It's still Christmas

Grace and peace to you this night in the name of Jesus – the newborn King – Amen!

Today is the 1st day of a new year – 2025 begins today, but it’s also the 8th day of Christmas. So, it is still timely that I extend the greeting “Merry Christmas!” to you and your family.
A sample of festive greetings from across the globe reveals a common thread – a unique event, the “birth” of Jesus “at night.” The one that stands out to me is the German: “Frohe Weihnachten” which literally translates into English as “in the holy nights.”
During these holy nights something mysterious happens – during these holy nights, the impossible becomes possible – during these holy nights, light breaks into the darkness of our world in the person of Jesus.
Over the centuries, a lot has changed since that original manger scene, we have electricity and big screens to illuminate our spaces – yet, some challenges still cause us pain and suffering. There are many who are homeless, hungry and cold – these tonight, there are many homes with an empty chair at the dinner table – these nights, the light is dimmer than we expect.

It is my prayer that as you reflect on this holy night that you would experience the same joy the shepherds experienced when they found him – when they found the gift of God that is Jesus in a manger – on that first holy night. Amen!
The Rev. Romeo K. Dabee
JFK Airport Community Minister



