Posts with the category “anxiety”

Where memory meets hope 9/11
September 11th, 2024
Happy are they who have the God of Jacob for their help, whose hope is in the Lord their God; who made heaven and earth, the seas, and all that is in them; who keeps promises forever; who gives justic...  Read More
by The Rev. Romeo K. Dabee
Lent: A Time for Renewal
March 8th, 2024
The disciplines of Lent: Repentance, Fasting, Prayer and Acts of Charity—become our focus as individuals and as a community of believers....  Read More
by Robert Meltzer
Give Peace a Chance
October 21st, 2023
Beloved, never avenge yourselves, but leave room for the wrath of God, for it is written, “Vengeance is mine; I will repay, says the Lord.” ...  Read More
by Robert Meltzer
Rekindle the Fire within
September 10th, 2023
fire is necessary for new life and rebirth, but it can also cause destruction and damage that is beyond repair. Even within us, there is the reality of “burnout.” Yes, burnout is real – ...  Read More
by Robert Meltzer
Finding Rest and Re-Creation
July 12th, 2023
in this verse, Jesus is offering us an invitation – an intimate and appealing invitation. His invitation is this: “Come to me, all that are weary and carrying heavy burdens, and I will give you rest.”...  Read More
by Robert Meltzer
Living the Dream in 2023
January 16th, 2023
The central theme on the day was identity…more like, belonging to…being a part of – highlighted with God’s claim on Jesus as “the Beloved.” (Matt. 3:17)...  Read More
by Robert Meltzer
Glory to God
December 23rd, 2022
“Glory to God in the highest heaven, and on earth peace among those whom he favors!”...  Read More
by Robert Meltzer
A Time to Watch, Wait and Anticipate
November 27th, 2022
Jesus encouraged his first followers and us today to: "Keep awake, therefore, for you do not know what day your Lord is coming!"...  Read More
by Robert Meltzer
Embracing Transitions
August 18th, 2022
as life unfolds around us, if we hold it in balance, recognizing that summer does give way to fall and that adjustments are always needed. ...  Read More
by Robert Meltzer
Summer Service Challenge
June 27th, 2022
There is a certain apprehension as this summer is the first in 2 years with COVID vaccines being available to all and since travel restrictions are removed.It is also during this season that the most ...  Read More
by Robert Meltzer
May 23rd, 2022
...challenge you to be the voice of the unheard, unseen or underserved, under-appreciated and undervalued for they too are a part of God's creation....  Read More
by Robert Meltzer
Easter Morning: Christ is Risen - He is Risen indeed
April 17th, 2022
if it is your desire this Easter is to “know Christ and the power of his resurrection,” get involved......  Read More
by Robert Meltzer
Lift Up Your Voice
January 31st, 2022
...we press on to the goal of fulfilling the mandate of sharing the good news of Jesus...  Read More
by Robert Meltzer
October 19th, 2021
It is my prayer that we use this time to pause, slow down and calm down and let our gaze be fixed on God who may appear to be idle but is offering us a time to be still and know that God is near....  Read More
by Robert Meltzer
August 6th, 2021
Jesus had “compassion” for the people who were clueless about where they would sleep or from where the next meal was coming. Jesus had empathy, feelings for, literally “co-suffered” with his followers...  Read More
by Robert Meltzer